

Sunday, August 4, 2013

War on Consciousness Takes to the Internet as Esoteric Websites to Be Censored in UK

August 2, 2013 | By | 9 Replies
Angela Pritchard, Guest
Waking Times:

The war on consciousness and the agenda against esoteric knowledge is not a side issue. Ultimately we are all consciousness, and so whilst a myriad of issues play back and forth in the world, what affects our ability to recognize who we are and awaken the potential of our consciousness is THE issue that lies at the very core of life. Spiritual knowledge is therefore right up there on the hit list of the dark and hidden powers that be.

The most recent evidence of this: the UK government has proposed a billmake internet service providers automatically block websites dubbed “esoteric material”. That means people in the UK could be shut off from websites the UK government deems “esoteric” unless they go in and manually un-tick their network filters (you can find directions on how to do this here).

It has been labelled “pornwall” by some because the bill will block pornographic websites in the name of internet safety for children (great), but this “hot topic” has overshadowed media debate, likely very deliberately. A BBC article debated pornography only, despite there being 9 other categories of blocked material discovered by the Open Rights Group, which includes the aforementioned “esoteric material”. A moral issue has clearly become the Trojan horse to unleash a new stage in the game plan long in the making against spiritual knowledge.

Esoteric Practices and the Websites of “Sects” Already Blocked on Some Phones

So exactly what is esoteric? There are different definitions, but the word is mainly associated with knowledge of a spiritual kind, leaving an open door for people to abuse and target all manner of spirituality. But in case there was any confusion as to exactly what “esoteric material” they might be getting at, the Open Rights Group has already reported that websites of organizations that promote “esoteric practices” whether directly or indirectly have already been blocked in the UK on pay-as-you-go Orange phones. I wonder if “esoteric practices” include types of meditation, practices of astral projection, or making contact with celestial beings etc. – but in the end, what you or I think doesn’t matter as the UK government has decided that it will be the judge of what spiritual knowledge humanity has access to.

The wording also states that the websites of “universally acknowledged sects” (small religious groups) are also blocked. Universally acknowledged by who exactly? Apparently there is already global cooperation to “universally” define what spiritual groups and beliefs will be labelled with the derogatory term “sect” and who they will be shutting the people of the UK off from (soon to be coming to a country near you), whilst they set up their own “universal” pop culture of demonic rituals and icons – just do an internet search for “illuminati music industry” (note: if you have an Orange phone in the UK you’re also blocked from sites that will anonymize your searching). Are we finally witnessing the beginnings of a dark New World Religion?


What is Esoteric Anyway?

Esoteric is defined as:
Confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle.
Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone.
Requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group; difficult to understand; limited to a small circle.
Sound like the incredible spiritual knowledge encoded into the sacred texts and sites of the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Hindus, or those found in the ancient mystery schools of the Essenes, the Eleusinians, Pythagoreans, or Druids? Or what about the knowledge Jesus passed in secret to his disciples? The definition is so broad it could contain all the wisdom traditions of thousands of years of human history that reveal the power of conscious awakening we each have within, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

This is what they want to keep out of the minds of children, whilst Hollywood and the music industry increasingly target them with unimaginably dark, demonic and disturbing images and vibrations? Could the agenda be to create entirely new generations fed solely on the demonic filth being poured out of the music/media industry with zero real alternative?


Esoteric Knowledge is Powerful – That’s Why They Don’t Want Us to Have It

Why would they bother to target “esoteric material”? Perhaps that will now give you some indicator as to HOW POWERFUL ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE REALLY IS. They know it, and that’s why they don’t want you to have it. Whilst it is marginalized and condemned in society, there are very powerful secret societies running much of the show that use it specifically for dark and demonic purposes where it is inverted to invoke evil powers and why you see them using inverted esoteric symbols (such as the inverted crucifix and pentagram so “in vogue” in Hollywood right now). So not only could censoring “esoteric material” block genuinely spiritual information, but even people exposing the use of dark esoteric knowledge for sinister purposes in an extraordinary double take.

We can oppose dark forces with those of light; we can defeat the power born from the knowledge of evil with that which is born from truth and the knowledge of the light. As long as esoteric knowledge continues to be suppressed, those who use it for evil can continue unaffected behind the scenes and that is exactly what they want. For example, someone can use out-of-body experiences to actually see where the dark things in the world are emanating from rather than just their manifestations.

By working with consciousness, truth, light, and celestial forces we can penetrate and expose the dark heart of evil in the world, not doing this is to merely cut the tentacles of an octopus strangling humanity – one whose tentacles continuously regrow. Each tentacle gets its power from the connection feeding the octopus, which goes right down into the source of evil. This connection is the source of their knowledge and power; whilst consciousness and the spiritual is the source of ours.


The War on Consciousness

The opposition to dark forces has been part of the work of many esoteric schools of light (many of whom had to operate in secret for their own protection), which have been established throughout the world and human history, and why they have been targeted by infiltration, smears, and persecution so exhaustively. There is a war going on that most people are completely unaware of; it is A WAR ON CONSCIOUSNESS.

What they really don’t want us to know is the power and potential of consciousness that we each contain, the inner light that has the power to break every psychological chain that binds us, to act with an intelligence informed by truth and higher sources such as intuition, out-of-body experiences, dreams, love, peace and wisdom.

Make a difference by letting people know about what’s going on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A couple days ago I had a thrilling lucid dreaming experience.

The lucid dream was slightly dreamlike really, because deep inside my head I knew I was actually still snoring in my room right as I was sailing across the city at several billion mi an hour. Though I guess it had taken quite a bit of experimenting to attain this level of lucidity, I completely conclude that it was well worth the effort.

When I intially heard of lucid dreaming I attempted to use tons of free electronic "books" I found while browsing Reddit. Yet, after experimenting with these techniques for about four weeks I still had no authority over my dreams.

I conclude that the component that they were missing was the effective audio tracks that I got when I bought a professional lucid dreaming guide with rather good feedback, Lucid Dreaming Fast Track -

Nowadays I can pretty much go anywhere I like (yet often I stick hovering across the air).


At midday on Friday 5 February, 2016 Julian Assange, John Jones QC, Melinda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzon will be speaking at a press conference at the Frontline Club on the decision made by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on the Assange case.


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